So this might be my ONE October post, lol. Things just get so busy in the fall, and my kids aren't even in school or any activities! We do have our playgroup, but that's year round. We love our playgroup...it has been great spending time and forming friendships with other Christian women while our friends play together. For some reason, I have not found that at church...I love the other young moms at our church, but I haven't really formed close friendships with any of them, and it's been 7 years...seriously, it is harder to make friends as an adult than it was even in high school!
My etsy shop has been very busy...I fully intended to do 3-4 craft shows this fall, but there is just no way. I am so busy with online orders, which is great, that I don't have time to make many extra things for the craft show. I am doing one in a couple weeks and am very excited about it, and have enough inventory from last time in addition to new things. Hope it goes well! The last show I did was a dud. But this one is in a much nicer area, and seems more my style. We'll see!
Ally has been talking a lot. Her latest word is "goggy" which somehow means "cracker." Hmmm. I've also been Christmas shopping...I love doing it little by little, starting in October, so no need to scramble before Christmas! I am actually done shopping for the kids...a train table for Odin as well as some trains (craigslist!) and some disney princess stuff for ally (mostly belle...because she is the best!). I love my kids more and more each day...they're so fun and get along like best friends!
As for my shop, I won't be adding anything new until after the craft show...but I just perfected a new style (after ripping out seams and reworking it 4 or 5 times! Ugh!) but it looks great now and I can't wait to show you! The above picture is this year's Christmas dress, but Ally's will be done in red. The one she is modeling is going to the craft show!