Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pigtails and the zoo!

There is something I have been waiting for since I found out we were having a girl. Pigtails! Her hair is finally long enough, and it looks so cute! Besides, her hair looks like a mop when I don't do anything with it, and she tears out her bows and headbands. So, I bought some little elastics from Target (best store ever) and put piggies in her hair. She didn't even mind and hasn't been tempted to play with them! We also went to the zoo recently...we need to get in as many zoo visits as we can until it is way too hot. It's sad that we can't do much outside (besides swim) during the summer months. Odin's favorite part of the zoo was the splash pad- mine too! Walking around in the heat was enough excercise to last me awhile (kidding, mom!)

I recently added a new top to my etsy shop, red with white polka dots- requested by a customer. I will very soon have several new items up that are busy getting photographed. And right now, I am doing a 2 for $25 special on solid color single ruffle pants, any size! Normally they are $15 each.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My baby is one!

I am finally back from "vacation." My family was here for two weeks and then I spent another week getting things back to normal. I've been really busy lately and am happy to have a normal routine again. Ally turned one on April 5. So crazy to think she is already a year old, and it went even faster than Odin's first year! I love one year old, though, and she is as sweet as ever. So far she has taken 3 steps at a time, but she is going slow at this walking thing :) Odin was 13 months when he walked so I think she will be around the same...she seems to be progressing at the same rate. Oh and we are trying potty training, for real this time. Not really working. I think he might not be ready yet. And it's hard when most days we are out of the house for at least part of the day! I am trying to do underwear at home though.

As far as the shop...getting that back up and running too. Have had a few sales since I reopened, and am getting some new items photographed in the next week or so. So definitely check back soon! Sorry this post isn't more interesting...enjoy the pictures though!