Well, I decided to do it. A lot of people have asked if I sell the clothes I make...at first I was just doing it for fun, but I enjoy it so much I thought I would try to sell some. "Try" being the operative word here. Sometimes I feel I am taking too much on- MOPS, playgroup, writing, my cards, and now sewing. Not to mention raising two kids, being a wife, spending time with God...you get the picture. So is it too much? Not sure. In fact, I might eventually stop doing the cards (except for friends and family who ask) and just focus on other things. To be honest, designing cards is not going well. I suppose I could put more effort into advertising- but who has time for that? This clothing venture might turn out the same way, and I'm ok with that. If God puts the breaks on it, I'll continue sewing just for fun. And all those clothes in my shop? Stuff for Ally and gifts for friends :). I'll stick to my writing though...that is something I feel I really SHOULD be doing, and maybe the other stuff is just for me. As far as playgroup and MOPS, those are important for my sanity and for my kids to make some friends until they begin school. They always have their cousins, of course, but it's good to make other friends too.
Anyway, thanks for listening to my honesty. This is where I am right now. Life is good, and I have learned recently that I don't need to do everything- not supposed to! I should be focusing on whatever God wants me to do. Now, here are some pics of clothes I am planning to sell- the skirt is a personal favorite and will probably remain in Ally's closet :D.