Monday, April 12, 2010

My baby is one!

I am finally back from "vacation." My family was here for two weeks and then I spent another week getting things back to normal. I've been really busy lately and am happy to have a normal routine again. Ally turned one on April 5. So crazy to think she is already a year old, and it went even faster than Odin's first year! I love one year old, though, and she is as sweet as ever. So far she has taken 3 steps at a time, but she is going slow at this walking thing :) Odin was 13 months when he walked so I think she will be around the same...she seems to be progressing at the same rate. Oh and we are trying potty training, for real this time. Not really working. I think he might not be ready yet. And it's hard when most days we are out of the house for at least part of the day! I am trying to do underwear at home though.

As far as the shop...getting that back up and running too. Have had a few sales since I reopened, and am getting some new items photographed in the next week or so. So definitely check back soon! Sorry this post isn't more interesting...enjoy the pictures though!

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