Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Cards...

I have been trying to put more cards in my shop, so customers have a lot to choose from, and therefore I have a few new designs to show you! For now I am going to attach just one...you can see my shop for more. I am also considering starting to sell handmade dresses, etc. Such as the one I recently made for Ally. Not sure if this is a good idea considering how busy I've been- let me know what you think of that!

And coming soon...our day at the firestation, just me and Odin (and our playgroup).

Friday, October 16, 2009

New stuff- cards and a dress!

So I have been diligently working on my shop lately, finally. I am gearing up for the Christmas season and hoping I get as many sales as last year...Most of them are off-etsy, but it definitely helps! Recently I made an invitation for Chana's reception in Indiana, as well as many new designs for the shop! I'll show you one here. Also, I made a fall dress for Ally! I will be making more of these knot dresses :) I have sooo much sewing to do before Christmas...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Growing Up...

Allison just had her half birthday. My baby girl is 6 months old! At 6 months, she can...

1. Sit up all wobbly and fall down after a minute or so.

2. Scoot around because she is determined to get something but can't quite crawl.

3. Get on hands and knees.

4. Eat baby food, and like it.

5. Be cute.

Yeah, that last one was because I can't think of anything else. She LOVES her big brother and he likes to make faces at her so she laughs. They are so cute together! We are very blessed with a sweet baby who sleeps 12 hours a night and takes 3 naps a day. But like I said, she is very determined to get what she wants, thankfully she usually wants sleep or food!

Her stats:

15 lbs 4 oz (25%) and 27.5 inches (97%).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A doctor and a ballerina...

These are going to be Odin and Allie's Halloween costumes. I am NOT a fan of Halloween, it's not a real holiday, and I won't get into the evil associations...however, I do enjoy dressing my kids in fun costumes. I made their costumes because I am not spending a ton of money on something they will wear once, and let's face it, I like to make stuff. So here are the finished products. I also threw in some cute pictures I took of the kids outside today. It has been gorgeous here-75-80 degrees. Now you wish you lived here.