Saturday, October 10, 2009

Growing Up...

Allison just had her half birthday. My baby girl is 6 months old! At 6 months, she can...

1. Sit up all wobbly and fall down after a minute or so.

2. Scoot around because she is determined to get something but can't quite crawl.

3. Get on hands and knees.

4. Eat baby food, and like it.

5. Be cute.

Yeah, that last one was because I can't think of anything else. She LOVES her big brother and he likes to make faces at her so she laughs. They are so cute together! We are very blessed with a sweet baby who sleeps 12 hours a night and takes 3 naps a day. But like I said, she is very determined to get what she wants, thankfully she usually wants sleep or food!

Her stats:

15 lbs 4 oz (25%) and 27.5 inches (97%).

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