Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I love to sew!

And why didn't I learn how to earlier? That class I took in middle school where we had to make pillows does not count. I basically just startes sewing at the beginning of this year, took a hiatus when Ally was born, and got back into it after a trip to Hobby Lobby in Iowa. They have really cute fabrics there, but it's a small selection. We are, thankfully, getting a Hobby Lobby here in Phoenix soon. Mesa and Avondale already have one, but Phoenix would be more convenient and then Janelle and I can take a trip together!

Anyway, I have posted here a few photos...of the fabric I just recieved as well as the pattern I am SO excited about. There are 4 patterns in one, and I am going to start with the knot dress because I've always wanted to make one. The fabric is Timeless Treasures and the pattern is from Sandi Henderson. And I must confess that after opening it up, with its gorgeous photos, I went and ordered some of her fabric on etsy. And I still need to buy some fabric for a few projects for me (yes, me!).

So what have I been working on? A dress for Ally, a few gifts for a nameless friend :D, and a taggie blanket. What's next? A skirt for me, purse for me, Halloween costumes for the kids, skirt for Ally, the knot dress for Ally, with maybe some matching pants...and there will be more! When did this become a sewing blog? I am still working on my writing, and there are a few new designs in my shop, including another one going up today. It's fun, and tiring, being busy. Especially with two kids demanding my attention. At least they take naps!

Today was the first day of women's Bible study. The kids were great for the babysitters, and the study should be amazing! We are doing Beth Moore's study on Esther...I love Beth Moore!

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