Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sometimes busy, sometimes not!

So last week was a busy one. We had a lot of plans to keep us busy...including a new playgroup which I hope to hear from soon. This week...I guess I've been busy at home. Working on some writing and sewing and a few new card designs. While it is great to get things done, I'd rather have reasons to get out of the house! My kids, and I, get bored.

Yesterday I was cleaning the bathroom and talking to my mom. I told her how the other night Odin asked if we could go to Target with Daddy (he wasn't going, but Odin saw him getting ready to go somewhere and thought he was). So while I was on the phone, I heard Odin still awake in his room. I told him to go to sleep, and all of a sudden he kept saying, "Target? Target?" Two things I learned here. One, our walls are thin and Odin hears everything. Two, I go to Target waaay too often :)

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