Wow, I really am terrible at this blogging thing. You would think, since I love to write, that this would be easy, but it's not. See, I love writing fiction- creating stories about people that I create and, consequently, almost believe are real. I can make up people, places, and there are no rules to it (except for doing my best to be grammatically correct.) On a blog, I have to write about my real life, and since it's not very interesting (enjoyable, but not so interesting), I struggle to think of what to say. I'm not even positive anyone's reading it- except for the one follower I have (thanks, Amber, if you're still reading!).
I suppose I should update you on our lives since the addition of our wonderful baby girl. (Although I'm sure what everyone really wants are pictures!). Have I ever mentioned how I had horrible baby blues with my son? For his first two months, I was kind of depressed, felt weird, and cried a lot. I wasn't used to having a baby and didn't feel bonded to him. But then, when he was 2 months old, I fell in love and life was better than I ever could have cliche as that sounds. When I had Allison, I expected the same...I was already imagining her life at 2 months plus. Thankfully, I only had baby blues for about a week, and it wasn't that bad. For anyone who wonders, transitioning two kids is actually a lot easier than one. I've done it before and it's not as much an interruption as before.
So here we are at the anticipated 2 months old.'s anticlimactic. I love my baby girl and she is such a good baby, but since I never had those sad feelings with her, life just feels the same. Normal, good, and better than before :) Also, I LOVE having a girl. All the dresses and headbands and bows....and the PINK clothing. Love it. Can't wait until her feet are big enough for shoes. Ally sleeps 8-9 hours straight at night, eats, goes back to sleeps for 3-4 more hours. It's amazing and I don't need to nap which is nice since her naps are completely irregular. Oh well, we have time to work on that. She is now almost 11 lbs and 24 inches long...95% for height! Another tall baby :) We have been enjoying summer, taking Odin swimming and playing in his sprinkler pool (now just a wading pool since there's a hole causing the sprinklers to barely work). Recently we even traveled to Illinois for Adam's aunt's funeral. The kids were amazing the whole drive (yes, I said drive...we love road trips!). Allison can hold her head up with minimal bobbling, and she is soon to be outgrowing her 0-3 month clothing! Can't wait to put her in that dress I made for her!
Adam still has enough work to get us by, even though it's slowing down and money is tight...but we are okay. As for me, I haven't gotten an agent for my book yet, so I will send out some more queries as well as work on another novel (very different from the first, which I will eventually write a sequel to). I am also hoping to do some scrapbooking soon and add new cards to my shop. A lot to do, but I don't worry if I get it done. As long as I am doing the important things- spending time with Adam, taking care of the kids....and I do promise to blog more often!
I read your blog Whitney! I love hearing about how you guys are doing. Keep it up.
I'm so glad Allyson sleeps so well! Wow! That's amazing!
Wow totally just spelled Allison's name wrong! Sorry!
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