Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I've been featured

Good morning! As I write this, Odin is playing with an empty bottle on the floor and getting better at crawling. Well, now he is whining because he doesn't like to be ignored! He has been a good sleeper the past 2 nights, sleeping 11-12 hours each night. Wow! LAst night I had to get a dress fitting for my sister-in-law's wedding, and we got there at 6, because she was getting her dress done. I had to bring Odin since Adam was at an appointment. it was fine at first, but by the time i had my fitting (after 7) he needed to have another nap! THank goodness another sister-in-law was there and could hold him for me. My fitting went fine, but for my next fitting I am going on a Saturday so the baby can stay at home!

Also, today I was featured on a blog! The blog that featured me is She did a great job! I will leave you with some pictures of my two latest listings, an adoption announcement and a birthday invitation, both available on my etsy shop! The gorgeous baby featured in the adoption announcement is my friend's baby Corban, whom she offered to let me use as a model on my cards!

1 comment: said...

Cute new stuff! Don't ya just love taking babies out where there are no toys and no room to would think the rest of the world could adjust for our little ones, after all, they are our future! :0)