Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2010! Unlike the countless on facebook who seem to think 2009 was just awful, we had a great year. Yeah, financially we aren't exactly doing well, but other than that...we are SO blessed. So I want to take the time to thank God for those many blessings. My children- I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this year! (My dream come true). My husband, who is always wonderful, my sweet little boy who is growing waaaay too fast and is just as cute as ever. Our healthy, church, friends and family, salvation, and people to lean on when we need it. And the fact that my clothing business is off to a good start. Speaking of which, this week alone I have sold several pairs of ruffled pants, in all kinds of patterns and sizes. Craziness. People love their ruffled pants- and let me tell you, I am loving them too. In fact, I broke down and bought Sandi Henderson's ruffled pants pattern, which means I will be adding capris, double ruffled, and triple ruffled pants to my shop. And tomorrow...I will add my newest dress from the Gracie pattern, and blog about it. So stay tuned! And enjoy the final installment of Christmas pictures!

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